Work Cycles: Increase in production capacity
Work Cycles: Increase in production capacity
How to increase production capacity by incorporating more people and reorganizing tasks.
This video shows how our software can increase production capacity by reducing cycle time by adding a second person and reorganizing tasks.
This simulation shows how adding a new worker adds a new line to the diagram and, from this point on, the tasks can be reorganized and a work cycle for two workers can be set up. Each element of the diagram has a colour code which allows to identify whether the changes provide added value and, at the end of the simulation, obtain statistics with graphics and percentages that allow the design of an improvement project aimed at eliminating non-added value.
In the simulation it can be appreciated how the use of this module of APPRODUCTIVITY 4.0 results in a 38% increase in production capacity (from 60.73 u/hour to 83.62 u/hour).
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